Welcome to God's Redwood Retreat! Nestled among the towering redwoods and serene Austin Creek, you will find Cazadero Baptist Camp. We are just 45 minutes from Santa Rosa, 15 minutes from the ocean, and steps from downtown Cazadero. Our camp is the place to get away without being too far away. Enjoy evenings around the campfire, be adventurous and hike through the redwoods, enjoy delicious meals prepared by our chef, worship in the Chapel and spend quiet time in the Prayer Garden.
"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof:" Psalms 24:1
Camp Cazadero is unique. When you book your retreat of 30 or more, the camp is reserved just for your group! Our website gives you a glimpse of what we have to offer. Camp Rocks!
This is an amazing setting for your next men's or women's retreat, youth weekend, children's camp, senior retreat, baptism, or special event. Our desire for the camp is to be available for any Christian ministry to encourage and build up the body of Christ. Your time spent at Camp Cazadero will be a true blessing! We would love to talk with you about booking your next camp experience.
Christian camping changes lives! Check out Alicestasia's story of how her life was impacted at age 13 by going to "Camp Caz".
"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4:8
God bless you!
Paul and Loretta Van Peborgh
(707) 632-5686 Camp phone
(707) 696-6297 Paul's cell
(707) 293-4661 Loretta's cell