
Christian Camp and Conference Association

Member of this national organization

Costameda Baptist Association

One of the four owner associations of the camp.

North Bay dba Golden Hills Baptist Association

One of the four owner associations of the camp.

Mendo Lake Baptist Assciation

One of the four owner asssociations of the camp.

Redwood Empire Baptist Association

One of the four owner associations of the camp.

Southern Baptist Convention

Our national convention.

North American Mission Board

Mission in the US and Canada.

International Mission Board

Missions around the world.

Sonoma County Tourism

We are so fortunate to be located in such a beautiful area of the world.

Jenner by the Sea

Close to camp

Whale Watching Locations

January - April are the months for whale watching in N California

Armstrong Grove

Great hiking

Northwood Golf Course, Monte Rio

Northwood Golf Club "Redwood Beauty, Mackenzie Challenge" Recently ranked by Golf World Magazine as the #3 Nine-hole course in America!