Christian Camp and Conference Association Member of this national organization | |
Costameda Baptist Association One of the four owner associations of the camp. | |
North Bay dba Golden Hills Baptist Association One of the four owner associations of the camp. | |
Mendo Lake Baptist Assciation One of the four owner asssociations of the camp. | |
Redwood Empire Baptist Association One of the four owner associations of the camp. | |
California Southern Baptist Convention Our state convention | |
Southern Baptist Convention Our national convention. | |
North American Mission Board Mission in the US and Canada. | |
International Mission Board Missions around the world. | |
Sonoma County Tourism We are so fortunate to be located in such a beautiful area of the world. | |
Jenner by the Sea Close to camp | |
Whale Watching Locations January - April are the months for whale watching in N California | |
Armstrong Grove Great hiking | |
Northwood Golf Course, Monte Rio Northwood Golf Club "Redwood Beauty, Mackenzie Challenge" Recently ranked by Golf World Magazine as the #3 Nine-hole course in America! |